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Strategic Services

Strategic services

Helping build better businesses

We make sure you have a solid, strategic foundation in place

Strategic services

When you get the basics right, you set yourself up for success and growth

When we talk about business plans we don’t mean a hefty document that will sit on a shelf gathering dust and never be looked at again. We mean simple, purposeful plans that capture where you want to go and how to get there.

We will help you develop a strategic plan or business plan

We will help you understand the steps you need to take to grow your business

Plan on a Page

We can help you develop a Plan on a Page for your business – a straightforward, single-page overview of your priorities, goals and steps to achieve them. This simple document can have a powerful impact. It unites your team and establishes a clear direction for your business.

Balanced Scorecard

We can also work with you to develop a Balanced Scorecard. This is a way to measure what matters in your business. It turns your objectives into specific performance measures so you can assess your business and improve results

Integro Employee
Passion Survey

It’s one thing to have a plan. It’s another to have people who are passionate about what they do. We use the Integro Employee Passion Survey to help you build a high performance culture.

The Employee Passion Survey measures the degree to which you’re meeting the needs that ignite passion in your employees. It also measures the level of trust they have for management and how passionate they are about their work and your organisation. This feedback allows you to see how your team feels about coming to work, how committed they are to doing their best, and what steps you can take to increase employee trust and passion. The result is a workplace culture that inspires high performance.

Organisational reviews

We also conduct organisational reviews. This involves looking at your organisation’s structure and efficiency, and making sure you have the right people in the right roles performing the right tasks.

Ready to start?

Let’s talk about how we can strengthen your business foundations and transform your workplace.

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